WP8 – Dissemination
- To ensure efficient communication between project consortium, Scientific Monitoring Board, European Commission, member states, and external stakeholders.
- To design dissemination and exploitation programmes for scientific users, policy makers in various domains
(healthcare, social care, pension provision), including European Commission Services (DG Employment, DG SANTE),
the media and the general public. - To execute the Dissemination and Communication Plan
This WP will implement the dissemination, exploration and communication activities outlined in Section 2.2.
Task 8.1: Establish tools and procedures (MPG, M1-M6): Transmit the common communication strategy laid out in
Box 2 (the Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication Plan) to all project participants and tailor dissemination
activities to suit end users/stakeholders; set up the project’s Internet platform which combines the project’s website and
facilities to store the project’s outputs that make them easily findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR). It
will be the major tool to communicate with the external parties not only regarding the research outputs of the projects
but also events, workshops and conferences hosted under the BB-Future project (Task 8.2). The BB-Future website will
perform a key knowledge-into-use and integrating function and will be further expanded to include the models generated
and improved under WP2-WP6. We will set up the Data Management Plan in accordance with this platform.
Task 8.2: Conferences and Workshops (MPG, M1-M48): Schedule and organize three annual project conferences in
Munich, Madrid and Paris (M12, M24, M36) and the final dissemination conference (M48). This final conference will
be in Brussels and specifically targeted to the EU Commission. Support small topic-specific virtual, hybrid and personal
workshops whenever it helps to speed up the progress of the scientific work; at least one of these workshops will be in
Canada and one in the US to reach out to North American scientists.
Task 8.3: Scientific publication and academic outreach (MPG, M1-M48). We expect a plethora of new scientific results
emerging from the three models built up by this project. This task ensures key scientific outputs are disseminated in
academia and among the scientific community. Our results will be submitted to high-impact journals, prioritising fully
(or, alternatively, hybrid), gold (or, alternatively, green) open access, while publication of special issues will be sought.
Aside from scientific publications, partners will be encouraged to present their breakthroughs during and after the end of
the project. This includes participation in events organised by countries and the EC, or other international conferences/
workshops, keeping the scientific community and policy makers updated.
Task 8.4: Dissemination to and interaction with policy stakeholders (BRUE, M12-M48). BRUE will develop a
robust strategy on how to reach policy-makers. This will include a detailed plan, format and indicative timeline
for the publication and dissemination of policy papers. Three Policy Dialogues with the policy network and other
key stakeholders will be organised by Bruegel between M12 and M48. The meetings will be organised as world
cafés, a flexible format that fosters collaborative dialogue and active engagement. Rapporteurs present insights and
recommendations from different discussion groups in a plenary concluding panel. Following the Policy Feedback Loop
Approach, the outputs of these Policy Dialogues will flow first into the intermediate policy outputs used to better fine
tune and develop the Policy Scenarios (T2.2) and then in the final Actionable Policy Recommendations (D7.1 – D7.3)
and the coherent Policy Framework (D7.4). Throughout the project, a Policy Brief (D8.2), which is continuously updated
up to M42, will summarize the main policy messages and how they relate to ongoing policy discussions.
Task 8.5: Dissemination to society at large (MPG, M12-M48). External communication and public relations work will
counteract negative and promote positive impacts of population ageing and the care wave that ageing will precipitate.
Summarize and disseminate project-specific information through the project website, social media, online newsletters,
brochures, and easy-to-digest articles for the popular press.
Role of participants: MPG will lead WP8 in joint cooperation with Bruegel. It will leverage the existing PR and
dissemination machineries set up at Max Planck and Bruegel, including our social media accounts. Key messages will
be discussed by all participants.
- D8.1: Internet platform
- D8.2: Policy Brief
- D8.3: Midterm report on D-E-C activities
- D8.4: Final report on D-E-C activities
- D8.5: Policy Dialogues