WP5 – Social Insurance
- Determine how large the unused employment potential of women actually is and to what extent its full exploitation would be able to counteract the consequences of population ageing.
- Assess negative feedback effects through wages and the complexities of social insurance systems.
Task 5.1: Health and LTC insurance (MEA, M1-M12): Extend MEA-PENSIM model to refine the long-term care
insurance module in order to distinguish between informal and formal care and the health insurance module in order
to compute contribution rates.
Task 5.2: Employment Balance (MEA, M13-M24): Procure population and labour market information for selected
countries and import them into the social insurance model; simulate future labour supply and number of pensioners for
selected countries and different scenarios regarding part-time and female employment rates; calculate emerging balance
Task 5.3: Part-time feedback effects (MEA, M25-M36): Evaluate increase in female employment and part-time rates
since 1990; evaluate the discrepancy between hourly wage and annual wage growth per employee (in Germany) in the
past; calculate contribution rates for health, nursing care and pension insurance for different scenarios; evaluate the
effect of reducing part-time quota and compare to increase of female employment; compute rates of return for selected
education/income groups.
Task 5.4: Other systems (Dauphine, M25-M45): Extend model to describe a limited number of other pension systems,
e.g., the Dutch system or the CNAV/AGIRC-ARRCO-part of the French system.
Role of participants: MEA will lead WP5 and execute Tasks 1 through 3. Tasks 4 will be done jointly with Dauphine.
Results and recommendations will be discussed by all participants.
- D5.1: Social insurance model
- D5.2: Employment balance
- D5.3: Part-time effects
- D5.4: Pension systems